
Lava exists as a service and its use and users are bound by the below terms of service.

Please be aware that we reserve the right to amend these terms of service at any time and that your continued use of the service signifies your acceptance of the updated terms.

  1. Your mobile number & email address are yours. We ask you for this information only to verify your account, assist with resetting your password should you forget it and to contact you in response to support or account queries. We do not use your details for sales calls, nor do we pass them on to third parties. We'd hate it if you did that with ours so we won't do it with yours.

  2. Like almost every website on the internet, Lava uses cookies. These are small bits of information that are stored by your browser to help websites. Their purpose varies but is generally used for personalisation, storing settings and visit tracking. Lava uses cookies for all 3 purposes. Failing to have cookies enabled will result in Lava not functioning. You wouldn't take cookies off the Cookie Monster would you?

  3. By signing up for and/or using a Lava account, you represent that the station/s and/or network/s that you work for consent to the collection of play data for your station. You understand that the information is collected from publicly accessible means and that Lava only provides to its users information that they would otherwise be able to obtain themselves.

  4. While we do our best effort to correctly log all played tracks and their associated times, there are certain measures outside of our control that may prevent this. As such, information is provided as is, with no liability for incomplete or missing data.

    All times shown in Australia/Perth (+0800) unless specified as Local Time, in which case, they are listed in the local time of the respective station. Users have the ability to choose to see times in their own personal Local Time or timezone of choice.

Last Updated: Thursday January 17, 2019